Thursday, December 26, 2013

The "War on Christmas"

Well, Christmas has come and gone.  I had a great day with my family yesterday and trust you did as well.

I intended to get this post written and up on the blog before Christmas, but as you can tell, that didn't happen.  I figured I better get it done today as my window of opportunity is vanishing with many using today or the weekend to take down their Christmas decorations.

With Christmas over, I guess we will be spared the typical media reports of a war on Christmas for another year.  I have to tell you that I get so tired of hearing these reports.  Conservative news show hosts spend the days leading up to Christmas stirring up Christians over a supposed war on Christmas.

If you go to the American Family Association's website, you can find their "Naughty or Nice List."  On that list they group stores into three categories: 1) those that are supportive of Christmas, 2) those that are neutral on Christmas, 3) and those that are against Christmas. 

They base the list on the advertisements put out by the store and whether they say "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays."  That way, by using their list, you can know which stores to shop at this Christmas and which stores to avoid.

Maybe I am not supposed to say this, but it doesn't bother me a bit that pagan store owners would instruct their employees to tell shoppers "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas."  In fact, maybe it is a good thing.  I think maybe it draws attention to the fact that Christmas is a Christian holiday and not just about Santa Claus and gifts.

Fox News has even had Santa Claus himself on their morning show to defend Christmas.  I can't help but ask if this is really helpful.  What are we defending?

I think we all need to be reminded that we, if not careful, are sometimes guilty of getting wrapped up in everything other than God during this time of year.  I would even suggest that in getting wrapped up in the "War on Christmas," we may really be defending an idol rather than our Creator.

On December 15, I preached an advent sermon from Genesis 1:1-5.  You can find it here.  Genesis 1 may seem like a strange place to go for an advent sermon, and in some ways it is.  However, I think we all need to be reminded that everything, not only Christmas, is all about God.

For it is God Who created everything for His glory.  It is God Who became flesh and dwelt among us that we might be reconciled to our Creator.  It is God Who is worthy of all of our worship forevermore.

May God set our affections on Him this holiday season and on into the New Year!  Happy Holidays!

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